EI Presents...
EI Presents... is a new, Catholic speaker series where we bring in authors, professors, and other experts in various fields connected to our Catholic faith.
Sanctity in an Era of Unbelief
Thursday, May 2 | 7:00pm | Christ the King Parish Center
God raises up saints in every era in a manner appropriate to the needs of the time. Today we live in a Western culture characterized by the eclipse of God and a deepening disbelief. Therefore, the saint of today — saints we are all called to be — must be those who can enter into the ethos of unbelief in order to conquer it from within.
Join us as national speaker, writer, and theologian Dr. Larry Chapp presents: Sanctity in an Era of Unbelief.
About the Speaker...
Larry Chapp received his doctorate in theology from Fordham University in 1994, with a specialization in the theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar. He spent 20 years teaching theology at DeSales University near Allentown, Pennsylvania, before retiring early in order to found the Dorothy Day Catholic Worker Farm near Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania, with his wife Carmina and friend and former student Father John Gribowich. Author of many articles and books, he is also the founder and chief author for the blog, Gaudiumetspes22.com

Tickets are only $5 per person! Grab some friends and join us for this informative event!
Previous Presenters...
St. John Paul II's the Gospel of Life and the Culture of Death
Thursday, October 26 | 7:00pm | Christ The King Parish Center
What is the future of the pro-life movement in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision to reverse Roe v. Wade? Dr. Holloway will address this question by drawing on the thought of Pope St. John Paul II, especially the important encyclical, Evangelium Vitae. What are the culture of life and the culture of death of which the pope writes? What are their origins? What are their implications for the past and future of our civilization? Given the importance of these questions for our present cultural struggles, this is an event you won’t want to miss.
![Holloway Photo[28].jpeg](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/ef730e_f1044b9cddd44413b896690bf9d5b144~mv2.jpeg/v1/crop/x_0,y_0,w_300,h_330/fill/w_272,h_299,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/Holloway%20Photo%5B28%5D.jpeg)
About the Speaker...
Dr. Carson Holloway is a Ralph Wardle Diamond Professor of Arts and Sciences and Professor of Political Science at the University of Nebraska-Omaha, and a Washington Fellow in the Claremont Institute’s Center for the American Way of Life. He is the author of The Way of Life: John Paul II and the Challenge of Liberal Modernity. His popular articles have appeared in First Things, The New Criterion, National Affairs, and Public Discourse. Professor Holloway received his B.A. from the University of Northern Iowa and his Ph.D. from Northern Illinois University.